Dog Blog 28.0 – A Brain Holiday
Right now (mid- to late December) is a tricky time of year. On one hand, you have clients emailing and calling like crazy, looking for help with last minute projects and deadlines. On the other hand, you have clients who have completely disappeared from existence and won't return
Dog Blog 27.0 – Win Them Back, or Let Them Go?
You have probably experienced this predicament at some point in your career - when working with a client starts to become more dreadful than it is enjoyable. Nobody is seeing eye to eye, every project gets dragged on forever, and everything about working together starts to become just plain
Dog Blog 26.0 – Enjoy the Moment
A couple weeks ago, we wrote a post about how marketers who start pushing the back to school season at the start of July are grating our nerves. We know people like to prepare, and we know a lot of schools start early these days, but we got to
Dog Blog 25.0 – Back To School Commercials – The Leading Cause of Temporary Depression
This is a post by Brooke, our mountain-based YellowDogger! Admit it, do you not still feel some dread creep into your body each time a Back to School commercial pops up on your TV screen? I sure do. It may just be for a few seconds, but those commercials offer virtual
Dog Blog 24.0 – Is Social Media for Me?
It seems like lately, the most frequent questions we receive from our clients are concerning social media. Specifically, clients want to know: Do I really need it? What it will do for me? Is it too late to get on board? Here are our responses: The more you get your name out there, the better It won't
Dog Blog 23.0 – Missing the Mark
Before I get started on what's going to sound like a personal attack - I will say that I have nothing against the Garnier company, the products they make (I actually use quite a few of them), or the agency they've hired to do their branding and packaging design.
Dog Blog 22.0 – We’ve Got the Blues
After reading the title of this blog post, you might be wondering, "What is wrong with these people? Who has the blues when it's 86 degrees and sunny outside?" We can assure you that we are most definitely NOT blue about the weather, but we ARE enormously excited that
Dog Blog 21.0 – I’m Not Cool Enough for Snapchat, and I Don’t Even Care
After 3.5 years of resistance, I finally made a Snapchat account. Or as my husband would say, "another way to stalk people." Why did I finally decide to do it? There's a couple of reasons - I hear about it all the time from my sister-in-law (who
Dog Blog 20.0 – Health Dominoes
Today is officially Leap Year Day and the end of the month, so I'm here to check in with my EpiCor update. I've now been taking the product for 3 months, which is supposed to mark the time when you begin to notice results. To be honest
Dog Blog 19.0 – EpiCor Update
I just flipped my calendar over to February, so that means I've now been doing my unofficial "EpiCor Challenge" for 2 months now! Much like last month's update, I don't have a whole lot to report